Check Inn






※ 雀客宜蘭童媽吉親子旅館、雀客旅館宜蘭哈嗨夫、雀客藏居台中大墩、墾丁泊途、雀客快捷台中福星、雀客快捷台中福星二館入住時間為16:00後

  1. 館內全館禁菸,無提供寵物住宿,如有發現吸菸或攜帶寵物入住,將加收3000元清潔費,如有設備損壞乃需照價賠償。
  2. 相關訂房住宿規範,依本館公告為主,如有疑問請於【訂房/繳費】前來電洽詢。
  3. 相關退訂政策請參閱【取消訂房須知】。
  4. 官網房型售價不包含加人、加床費用,如需協助請另洽訂房中心。
  5. 連續及特殊假期日將依照政府行政機關辦公日曆表公告。
  6. 官網訂房售價已含服務費及營業稅,本館保留一切修改訂房須知之權利。
  7. 預訂完成後,請於24小時內完成款項支付,第三方訂房平台之訂單請參照平台訂房規定。

📢 01/21-01/28 春節期間入住時間調整為下午4:00,退房時間上午11:00。

  1. 館內全館禁菸,無提供寵物住宿,如有發現吸菸或攜帶寵物入住,將加收3000元清潔費,如有設備損壞乃需照價賠償。
  2. 相關訂房住宿規範,依本館公告為主,如有疑問請於【訂房/繳費】前來電洽詢。
  3. 相關退訂政策請參閱【取消訂房須知】。
  4. 官網房型售價不包含加人、加床費用,如需協助請另洽訂房中心。
  5. 連續及特殊假期日將依照政府行政機關辦公日曆表公告。
  6. 官網訂房售價已含服務費及營業稅,本館保留一切修改訂房須知之權利。
  7. 預訂完成後,請於24小時內完成款項支付,第三方訂房平台之訂單請參照平台訂房規定。
  1. 館內全館禁菸,無提供寵物住宿,如有發現吸菸或攜帶寵物入住,將加收3000元清潔費,如有設備損壞乃需照價賠償。
  2. 住宿房型依房間隔局不同會有變化,照片僅供參考。
  3. 貴重物品請隨身保管,或放置房內個人保險箱,若遺失本館不予負責。
  4. 為維護住宿品質,夜間22:00後請降低音量,避免影響其他旅客權益。
  5. 本館保留一切修改飯店注意事項之權利。

※ 第三方訂房平台或其他預訂管道,將不適用以下官網預訂取消政策。
※ 完成預訂後,請確認是否收到訂房通知簡訊/信件,如需協助請致電訂房中心。
※ 繳費期限為訂房後24小時,未於時效內支付款項,系統將自動取消訂單並釋出訂房,請貴賓重新操作訂房。
※ 官網房價包含稅金及服務費,發票如有統編開立需求請於入住時提出,發票開立7日內僅提供一次更改,並請妥善留存紙本發票。

依照觀光局訂房定型化契約規定,訂單成立後旅店將收取約定房費作為訂房擔保,旅客解除契約時,應通知業 者,並得要求業者依下列基準處理:

  1. 旅客於約定住宿前3日通知取消者,可退款100%已付金額。
  2. 旅客於約定住宿前1-2日通知取消者,扣款已付金額50%後可申請退費。
  3. 旅客約定住宿當日通知取消或未如期入住者(no show),應負擔100%已付金額為取消費用。
  4. 約定住宿抵達3日內,如需修改訂單內容,將依照取消規定比例收取費用。住房當日若遇氣象局發布陸上颱風警報,於警報解除前可全數退款,亦可全額保留於申請日之一年內住房消費折抵使用。

※ 款項保留者,如逾期未使用或訂房後未入住(no show),將沒收保留全額款項不另行通知。
※ 匯款退費之手續費由收款人負擔,不另提供出款證明,如需協助請洽客服中心。
※ 退款作業需7-14天工作日,如遇例假日或國定假日將順延作業流程,還請貴賓耐心等候。

Hotel cancellation policy

※ Third-party booking platforms (Online Travel Agent) does not apply to the cancellation policy on the official website.
※ After completing the reservation, please confirm whether you have received the reservation notification SMS/letter. If you need assistance, please call the reservation center.
※ Please pay the outstanding payment in 24 hrs or your reservation will be cancelled automatically. If so, please reserve it again.
※ The price on the official website includes taxes and service fees.

If there is a demand for tax ID of invoices, please put forward at the time of check-in. Only one change is provided within 7 days after the invoice is issued, and please properly keep the invoice.

Those who pay the deposit in advance will be charged 30% of the total room charge, and the balance will be paid on the first day of stay.
When the passenger rescinds the contract, he/she shall notify the operator, and may require the operator to handle according as below:

  1. Customers who notify the cancellation 3 days before the check-in date are entitled to a 100% refund of the room charge.
  2. Customers who notify cancellation 1-2 days before the check-in date can apply for refund after deducting 50% of the room charge.
  3. Customers who notify the cancellation or no show on the same day, the room charge is non-refundable.
  4. If you need to modify the order content within 3 days after the arrival date, you will be charged according to the cancellation ratio.

If an onshore typhoon warning is issued by the weather bureau on the check-in date, the full amount can be refunded before the warning is lifted, and the full amount can also be retained for next booking within one year of the application date.

※ If the person who retains the money fails to use the room within the time limit or does not show the room after the reservation, the full amount of the money will be confiscated without further notice.
※ The service charge for remittance refund shall be borne by the payee, and no proof of payment will be provided. If you need assistance, please contact the customer service center.
※ Refund operation takes 7-14 working days. In case of a holiday or a national holiday, the operation process will be postponed. Please wait patiently.