CHECK inn Hive Hotel
品味 x 設計 x 人文
CHECK inn HIVE Hotel 雀客嗨夫旅館提供一個舒適愜意的旅人寓所。
CHECK inn HIVE的精神,是以誠摯問候及細膩款待,
—— 預訂一個時尚的潮房
—— 活動專區
—— 服務設施
—— 發現雀客旅館
I stayed in your lovely hotel for 3 weeks this month on a business trip, and WOW, I was blown away by your five star customer service!! Your attentive staff consistently went above and beyond to make my stay exceptionally comfortable, which is SO important for anyone traveling a long way from home.
By 住客 Petah Coyne
A budget hotel so great you don't want to tell anybody about it! The smartest feature in the guestrooms is that there are adaptor sockets everywhere too, two by each bed to charge your phone, tablet or whatever, no need to bring your own to weigh down your luggage. Very friendly and helpful staff. I'll be back again!
By 住客 Mr.Margaret
自己是桃園人,每次來台北已經固定在check inn住個幾晚已是習慣,這邊不像大型高級酒店那麼正式,給我住那麼多次的體驗真的就像常在國外的創意旅店的感覺,住起來非常舒服因為我特別愛採光好的房間,視野很開闊景也很台灣,推薦給其他來台北旅遊人,價位蠻合理且交通美食附近應有盡有,台北愛住酒店之一!
By 住客 Josh
—— 聯絡我們
雀客嗨夫旅館 CHECK inn Hive Hotel
- +886-3-9546-777
- @checkinn
- 265宜蘭縣羅東鎮公正路38號
- 敦謙國際智能科技股份有限公司雀客旅館嗨夫分公司
- 統一編號 90319718
- 附近有付費停車塲。
- 客運站 羅東火車站
- 羅東車站。步行約3分鐘